Wednesday, June 9, 2010

first day of internship~

first time as a trainee...woohoo! is not that bad as my friends told me what! Maybe i would have the same feelings like my friend been through after several days. But for this moment , i still satisfied with the work i had right now! although today is the first day but i get to learn a lot of new stuff especially 3D max...enjoy doing the work ~XD

beside that, i love my workstation so much! Is like what i am imaging before went to the company, it is in white color for sure! i always like white furniture~ PLUS, the worker there is friendly and nice! although there is only 5 of us in the company!( less stress )~

today didn't get to meet our boss , she is busying with her stuff and always not around! good thing or bad thing??heeeheeee

last night went to bed around 4 something nearly 5! at first thought of not going to sleep but at last sleep also coz scare will fall asleep when working(bad impression for people).

k la,that all for today! good luck for tomorrow and the day along my internship! ^^